lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008


The inca empire is an example of an unequilibred memeplex.

As an original meme was the fact that the new inca, or leader, would just inherit the title and military leadership. The lands conquered by the previous inca, or leader would still be under the administration of the old incas court. This ment that the only alternative for the new inca was to conquer. This resulted in an explosive expansion.

Westerns think that the Spaniards conquered the incas but the fact was that they showed up in a moment when the empire was in unequilibrium. The fact is that the empire couldn’t keep conquering. To the north there were strong central American cultures, to the west the sea, to the east the jungle and to the south the Chilean aborigines to the day still unconquered.

So the last inca, Atahualpa, tried to get hand on the old incas wealth which was well guarded by it’s old courts. In this moment of internal intrigues came Francisco Pizarro whom ruthlessly used the situation and conquered it all in a single move, the Battle of Cajamarca.

sábado, 8 de marzo de 2008


An original meme also needs an equilibrium meme which allows the system to stabilize. Otherwize would the driving force of the original meme never find an equilibrium and permit it to cristalize.
In western humanistisc society would this equilibrium meme be LOVE.
This equilibrium meme or LOVE gives the system the ability to have tolerance and cooperate.


Each civilization has its meme that injects its desire to surge.
It has often been proposed that western societies driving force is the original sin. You are born and automatically cast out from a harmonious union with god.
This little cultural string, or meme would put the human in a desequilibrium which forces him to search for a new center.
This situation is different from the aboriginal cultures which "only" pretends to be in harmony with nature.